Galerie Fatiha Selam, Paris, France 2016
Galerie Fatiha Selam, Paris, France 2015
Galerie Fatiha Selam, Paris, France 2013
Galerie Fatiha Selam, Paris, France 2012
Verena Foundation, Hydra, Greece 2007
North Idaho College, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 2007
Galerie Daniel Besseiche, Paris, France 2006
Museum of Art and Culture, Spokane, WA 2006
Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City, UT 2003
Victoria Boyce Gallery, Tucson, AZ 2002
Chase Gallery, Spokane Civic Center, Spokane, WA 2001
Elite Gallery, Venice, CA 1998
ChacMool Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 1997
Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT 1997
J.Crist Gallery, Boise, ID 1997
Morlen Sinoway Atilier, Chicago, IL 1996
Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, GA 1995
Lowe Gallery, Santa Monica, CA 1993
University of Idaho, Prichard Art Gallery, Moscow, ID 1992
Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, GA 1992
Ovsey Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 1991
Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, GA 1991
Cornell College, Armstrong Gallery, Mount Vernon, IA 1988
Sid Deutsch Gallery, New York, NY 1986
Gallery 291, Atlanta, GA 1985
Sid Deutsch Gallery, New York, NY 1984
Braunstein / Quay Gallery, San Francisco, CA 1975
San Francisco Art Institute, Diego Rivera Gallery, CA 1972
"RED TAPE" a play based on and featuring the work of Stephen Schultz, written and produced by Teresa Pesce and directed by Deborah McShane, Panida Theater, Sandpoint, ID, January 2010; Interplayers Theater, Spokane, WA April 2010
Spokesman Review, “Red Tape” melds visual, theater arts, Jan 10, 2010
“LA COLLECTION BIC,” Centquatre Center, Paris, France 2018
"Si Viene a sapere Qualcosa," curated by Bustos Domenech, Villa Brivo, Nova Milanese, Italia 2016
“SYNTHES,” Galerie Fatiha Selam, Averard Hotel, 10 Lancaster Sq., London, England 2016
Paris Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris, France 2015
Galerie Fatiha Selam, Paris, France 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
"Prographica, Seattle, WA 2010, 2011, 2012
Art Spirit Gallery, Coeur d'Alene, ID 2010, 2011
Galerie Daniel Besseiche, Paris, France 2006, 2007
“The Perception of Appearance: A Decade of Contemporary American Figure Drawing,” Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA 2002
Victoria Boyce Gallery, Tucson/Scottsdale, AZ 2000, 2003
Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, GA 1991-2000
Children’s Make A Wish Foundation (4 person), Theater Angels (4 person), American Cancer Society (4 person), Starlight Children’s Foundation (4 person) at the Elite Gallery, Venice, CA 1998-1999
J. Crist Gallery, Boise, ID 1997-1999
Cheney Cowles Museum of Art, Spokane, WA 1997
Ochi Gallery, 721 Hamilton, Venice, CA 1995
“Recent Acquisitions,” Boise Museum of Art, Boise, ID 1994
“Hope in Houston,” Betty Moody Gallery, Houston, TX 1993
Lowe Gallery, Santa Monica, CA 1992-1993
Ovsey Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 1990-1992
“Faculty Show,” University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, IA 1976-1994
“Body and Soul,” American Figurative Art 1960 - 1990” The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, IA 1991
Los Angeles Art Fair, L.A. Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA 1990-1991
Sid Deutsch Gallery, 20 West 57th Street, New York, NY 1982-1988
“Talent of the 80’s,” Federal Reserve Board Gallery, Washington, D.C. 1989
“Interiors,” (3 solo) Octagon Center for the Arts, Iowa State University, IA 1988
“Artists Who Teach: NASULC Centennial Arts Exhibition,” Federal Reserve Board Gallery, Washington, D.C. 1987
“Three Approaches to Realism,” Minn. Museum of Art, Saint Paul, MN 1986
Gallery 291, Atlanta, GA 1983-1985
“Contemporary Acquisitions,” The Equitable Gallery, Whitney Museum, 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 1984
“Selections from the Awards in the Visual Arts,” Rockefeller Center, 5th Avenue, New York, NY 1983
“Artists Working in Umbria,” Santa Maria di Tiberina Italia 1983
“The Ten Artists of AVA1,” National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1982. Travels to the Des Moines Art Center, 1982; the Denver Museum of Art, Denver, CO 1983
“Iowa Artists,” Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, IA 1979-1982
“American Drawing,” Appalachia State University, NC 1982
International Running Center, 9 East 89th Street, New York, NY 1981
Cedar Rapids Art Center, Cedar Rapids, IA 1980-1981
Braunstein / Quay Gallery, 240 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 1979-1980
Grapestake Gallery, 2876 California Street, San Francisco, CA 1977-1978
Augustana College, Davenport, IA 1978
“Ten Painters,” Elvehjem Art Center, Madison, WA 1977
“Invitation ’77, Ten Painters,” Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN 1977
Idaho Governor’s Award, Lifetime Achievement, Excellence in the Arts 2022
American Academy in Rome, Italy Visiting Artist 1997
Idaho Commission for the Arts Fellowship 1994
WESTAF/National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship 1990
Fulbright Fellowship, CIES 1986
Awards in the Visual Arts Fellowship ( AVA 1 ) sponsored by the National Endowment For the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Equitable Life Assurance Society of United States, and administered by the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art and the National Museum of American Art 1981
Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Fellowship 1979
University of Iowa Faculty Scholar Award (Europe) 1984, 1985, 1986
University of Iowa Research Grants 1976, 1979, 1983, 1993
Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France Artist in Residence 1985
Bellagio Study Center, Rockefeller Foundation, Villa Serbelloni, Lake Como, Italy Artist in Residence 1984
Yaddo/Handhollow, George Rickey Workshop, E. Chatham, NY Artist in Residence 1982
Societe Bic, Paris, France; Verena Foundation, Paris, France and Hydra, Greece; Touchstone Pictures, Los Angeles, CA; Story / Crossroads Films, Los Angeles, CA; Boise Museum of Art, Boise, ID; Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT; McNay Museum of Art, San Antonio, TX; Brunier Gallery Museum, Iowa State University, Ames, IA; University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, IA; University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; Syntex Corporation, Saratoga, CA; Regis Corporation, Minneapolis, MN; Hallmark Corporation, St. Louis, MI; Equitable Life Assurance Society of America, Chicago, IL; Equitable Life Assurance Society of America, New York, NY; Central Life Insurance Corporation, Des Moines, IA; First Federal Savings and Loan, Iowa City, IA; Kramer Law Offices, Rye, NY; Eisner Law Offices, Oakland, CA; School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA; Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Stanford University, MFA 1974
San Francisco Art Institute, BFA 1971
Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts 1968-1969
Rhode Island School of Design 1965-1967
Sandpoint Arts Commission, Sandpoint, Id Chair 2006-2008
University of Washington, Seattle, WA Visiting Professor 2003
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA Visiting Artist 1999
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Professor 1975-1994
University of Texas, Austin, TX Visiting Artist 1994
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID Visiting Artist 1991
Illinois Arts Council, Chicago, IL Artist Fellowships Juror 1990
The University of Fine Arts, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Visiting Artist 1986
Illinois Central College, Peoria, IL Visiting Artist 1987
La Maridan School, Molino Vitello, Italy Visiting Artist 1983
National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC Panel 1982
University of Texas, Arlington, TX Visiting Artist 1980
Minneapolis Art Institute, Minneapolis, MN Panel 1977
Stanford University, Stanford, CA Teaching Fellow 1974
Stanford University, Stanford, CA Teaching Assistant 1973, 1974
SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY (reproductions, catalogs, interviews and articles)
Catalog, La Collection Bic, Paris, France 2018
Catalog, "si viene a sapere qualcosa" Milan, Italia 2016
Catalog, "Stephen Schultz" Galerie Fatiha Selam, Paris, France 2015
Catalog, "(mostly)BLACK+WHITE DRAWING/PAINTING, " forward by Richard Shaffer 2015
Interview with Stephen Schultz, AMA (, Paris, France 10-31-13
Northern Journeys, "A New Curtian Rises for Community Theater," by S.Bussard, 5-2010 (reproduction)
Spokesman Review, "Red Tape" 1-10-10 (reproduction)
Reader, "Performance Art at the Panida," by Sheryl Bussard 1-14-10 (reproduction)
Daily Bee, "For Local Dramatist, It's Artist as Muse," S. Bussard 1-14-10
Art and Soul, radio interview produced by the Idaho Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts for National Public Radio 2010
Lattitudes, Idaho Arts Commission, "Stephen Schultz: Between the Light and the Dark," by Cort Conely 2009 (reproduction)
Daily Bee, "Festival Unveiling 2008 Art Poster" 6-16-08
Daily Bee, "Communing with the Festival" 6-1-08 (reproduction)
Daily Bee, "Schultz Selected 2008 Poster Artist" 2-23-08
Reader, "Poster Artist Stephen Schultz, Too Big for Words," J.Reuter 8-14-08
Hydra Direct, "Multi Level Messages from Stephen Schultz at the Verena Foundation," 8-19-07 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Liminal Navigation,” paintings by Stephen Schultz, Verena Foundation, Hydra, Greece 2007 (reproduction)
l'Officiel, Galeries & Musees, Paris 9-5-06 (reproduction)
HGTV, "Rezoned," TV interview and tour of designer/builder Stephen Schultz and Romey Stuckart's loft in Sandpoint, ID 2006
Daily Bee, "Rezoned, Home Captures HGTV's Interest," by Mary Barryhill 1-12-06 (reproduction)
The Press, "Schultz Settles in North Idaho." 3-7-07
Daily Bee, "Sandpoint Artist Showing at Boswell Hall," North Idaho College 3-1-07 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Stephen Schultz, Paintings and Drawings,” Salt Lake Art Center, Essay by Curator Jim Edwards 2003 (reproduction)
Program/ Calander, “News,” Salt Lake Art Center, Summer 2003 (reproduction)
City Weekly, "A House Divided,” Jacob Stringer, Salt Lake City 8-28-03 (reproduction)
Desert Morning News, “Harmony in Contrast,” Dave Gagon, Salt Lake City 8-10-03 (reproduction)
Catalog, “The Perception of Appearance, A Decade of Contemporary American Figure Drawing,” Frye Art Museum, Seattle. Essay by Guest Curator, Norman Lundin 2002 (reproduction)
Tucson Weekly, 3-7-2002 (reproduction)
Spokesman Review, “Domestic Mythologies Examines Relationships,” Julianne Crane 9-27-2001 (reproduction)
Spokane Arts, Volume 1, Issue 2, Karen Mobley 11-2001 (reproduction)
The Inlander, “Visual Arts Tour,” Sheri Boggs 10-4-2001 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Stephen Schultz, A Classic Vision,” Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Director’s statement by Bonnie Laing-Malcolmson and Essay by Curator Jessica Hunter 1997 (reproduction)
Catalog, “An American Renaissance,” Lowe Gallery, Atlanta. Essays by Dr. Maria Liuisa Borras and Bill Lowe 1996 (reproduction)
Peachtree Magazine, “An American Renaissance,” p 55-70, 6-1999 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Stephen Schultz, Selected Work 1988-1994.” Essay, Johanna Hays 1995 (reproduction)
Cutbank 41, Department of English, University of Montana, Missoula. (Cover and reproduction)
Catalog, “Hope in Houston,” written and edited by Ed Kienholz and Nancy Reddin Kienholz; Essay by Betty Moody 1993 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Visions and Voices from the Northwest,” University of Idaho Press; Essays by Johanna Hays 1993 (reproduction)
Latitudes, Idaho Arts Council 1991 (reproduction)
New Art Examiner, “Faculty Show, The University of Iowa” 1990.
Catalog, “WESTAF / NEA Fellowships in Painting” 1990 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Talent in the 80’s,” Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC; Introduction by Mary Ann Goley 1989 (reproduction)
Amerika, (Russian) “Winners in Art” 3-1987 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Artists Who Teach,” NASULC Centennial Exhibition, Federal Reserve Board Gallery; Introduction by Mary Ann Goley and Robert Clodius, 1988. (reproduction)
Catalog, “Interiors,” Octagon Center, Ames, Iowa, Essay by Evan Firestone 1988 (reproduction)
Des Moines Register, “Interiors Show at Ames,” E. Neabaum 11-6-88 (reproduction)
Daily Iowan, “Faculty Member Earns Local Show,” K. Goulding 11-13-08
Art News, “Stephen Schultz at Sid Deutsch Gallery,” S.R. Goldberg 11-1986 (reproduction)
Art Postcards, 20th Anniversary Iowa Arts Council, “Iowa Arts Portfolio” 1986 (reproduction)
Spokesman Review, “Artists Find Painting Place in Idaho” R. Nappi 9-1988
Who’s Who in American Art 1985-2011
International Who’s Who 1985-2011
Catalog, “Faculty Show,” The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Introductions by Joann Moser and Dr.Wallace Tomasini, 1986. (reproduction)
Catalog, “Faculty of the University of Iowa,” Blanden Memorial Museum of Art, Introductions by Jesse Rowe and Dr. Wallace Tomasini, 1987
Minneapolis Tribune, “Three Approaches to Realism,” 6-1986
Minnesota Daily, J. Kustner 6-18-86
Voice of the Visual Arts, “Three Approaches to Realism,” G. Tapley, 6.1986
Catalog, “Contemporary Art Acquisitions, 1980-1983,” Equitable Gallery, New York, NY 1985 (reproduction)
Calendar, School of Art History, University of Iowa 1985 (reproduction)
Daily Iowan, S. Richardson, 2-3-84 (reproduction)
ABC/PBS TV, “The Ten AVA Artists,” one-hour documentary, Directed by Frank Moriarity 1984.
Catalog, “Faculty Show,” The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Introductions by Robert Hobbs and Dr. Wallace Tomasini 1984 (reproduction)
American Arts, “AVA - A Very American Event,” James Kraft 11-19-82
Smithsonian Magazine, “Raising the Veil on Emerging Artists,” R.S. Coburn 5-82 (reproduction)
New Art Examiner, “Will AVA Become the Oscar of Art,” M. McClain 6-82
Catalog, “Selections from AVA 1,” Rockefeller Center, New York, NY 1983
American Artist, “Artists in Focus” 8-1982 (reproduction)
Des Moines Register, “Faculty Show,” N. Baldwin 2-14-1982 (reproduction)
Sarasota Herald Tribune, P. Werner 4-12-1982 (reproduction)
Washington Post, Frank Richards 3-17-1982
National Public Radio, “All Art Considered” Interview, 5-1-1982
Voice of America Radio, Interview 5-1982
Voice of America Radio, Interview with Erica Benis 11-1981
Catalog, “Awards in the Visual Arts 1,” Introduction by Harry Rand, Director, National Museum of American Art, and Ted Potter, Director, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art 1982 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Faculty Show,” The University of Iowa Museum of Art; Introductions by Joann Moser and Dr. Wallace Tomasini 1982 (reproduction)
Iowa City Press-Citizen, “Local Artist in National Show” 5-12-1982 (reproduction)
Daily Iowan, “University of Iowa Artist to Receive National Grant,” R. Mueller 11-18-81 (reproduction)
Des Moines Register, “Artist at University of Iowa Among Winners in U.S. Judging,” N. Baldwin 4-27-1980 (reproduction)
Iowa City Press-Citizen 11-11-1981
Cedar Rapids Gazette, “Iowa Artists Invitational” 4.4-1981
KCCK Radio, “Tour of Iowa Artists Invitational” 4-1981
New York Times 12-20-1979
Catalog, “Iowa Artists,” Artworks, Inc. 1980 (reproduction)
Des Moines Register, N. Baldwin 4-27-1980 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Faculty Show,” The University of Iowa Museum of Art; Introduction by Dr. Wallace Tomasini 1980 (reproduction)
Catalog, “Invitation 77 - Ten Painters,” Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN; Introductions by Lisa Lyons and Dean Swanson 1977 (reproduction)
New Art Examiner, “Ten Painters,” Walker Art Center 4-1977
Minneapolis Tribune, “Ten Painters” 4-1977
Minneapolis Star, “Ten Painters” 4-1977
Art News 9-1975
Artweek, “Introduction ’75,” B. Beamguard 6-1975 (reproduction)
San Francisco Examiner, “Introduction ’75,” A Bloomfield 6-1975
San Francisco Chronicle, “Introduction ’75,” A. Frankenstein,6-1975